Don't Sink the Ship!
Our 5th grade class continues its joint learning adventure with the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. OLMC is one of three schools in Maryland selected to participate in the educational journey which follows the experiences of Marine Engineering and Marine Transportation majors through their six week sea term aboard the TS Kennedy. You can learn more about Follow the Voyage at www.followthevoyage.com.
Last week, Mrs. Medvigy's class took the concepts they learned about loading cargo ships to the STEM lab. Students completed the "Don't Sink the Ship" challenge by constructing a seaworthy ship from just one piece of aluminum foil. Students then had to test how many marbles their ships could hold. The class discovered that the key to filling their ships was to load them in a balanced manner, just as the students aboard the TS Kennedy learned. Jacob, the winner of the challenge, designed a ship that carried 120 marbles.
The class also completed a Campbells for Campbell drive (named for the captain of the ship) by collecting 173 items for the Eastern Interfaith Outreach food pantry. Great job, 5th grade!